The Highcrest Academy

Our Courses & options

The Highcrest Academy Sixth Form is made up from approximately 170 students divided into mixed Year 12 and 13 tutor groups.

We offer a wide range of Level 2 and 3 courses and the timetable is constructed around the choices made by individual students, ensuring all students can study their preferred combination of subjects.

The majority of our current Year 11 students are expected to continue into the Sixth Form; however, we do welcome applications for Year 12 from external students.

We pride ourselves on excellent, small group teaching and one-to-one support when required, whilst every student is viewed as an individual with individual needs. A great deal of time and effort is invested to ensure that each student is settled and able to work effectively.

In Year 12, students study either three or four Level 3 courses (either BTEC L3 or A Level) or two Level 2 courses. Students can mix A Level and BTEC courses depending on their future career aspirations.  We also offer students who wish to improve their GCSE Maths and English grades the opportunity to re-sit these qualifications throughout their time in Sixth Form; any student who achieved a grade 3 or below in their GCSE Maths or English must re-sit this course during Year 12. In Year 13, students will traditionally go down to three courses, although some have taken four, where appropriate.

Click here for the Option Blocks 2024/2025

List of subjects available below. Click on the subjects for presentations and more information.

A Levels

BTEC Level 3

 BTEC Level 2



  • GCSE English
  • GCSE Maths