Child protection Guidance
“The knowledge and understanding of the individual pupil. Profiles of safeguarding need is very strong.” Assessor LA Safeguarding Audit: November 2023
At The Highcrest Academy we are committed to Safeguarding and meeting the needs of children and young people.
This page provides you with useful information, advice and guidance for when you visit our academy. To ensure you understand what is expected of you whilst you are on our site. On arrival, when you enter our reception, you will be handed a leaflet, which includes all of the following information. It is both your duty to be aware of its contents and to use the information to take action as and when necessary.
Our school’s Safeguarding Policy requires a completed Pre-employment Vetting form if it is anticipated you will have unsupervised access to children whilst on site. This is to help ensure that unsuitable people are prevented from having contact with our students. Robust procedures are in place in order to prevent and deter people who are unsuitable to work with children, from applying or being employed by the school. Our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Principal, and any other member of our safeguarding team here will be able to advise you further on this and tell you more about our school Code of Conduct.
What are my responsibilities whilst on site?
All those who come into contact with children through their everyday work, whether paid or voluntary, have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. You can find our Safeguarding and Child Protection policy here, and we kindly request that, where possible, you read this before visiting our site. If you require a printed version please contact the academy office via
What should I do if I am worried about a child?
If you are concerned about the safety of any of our students, you MUST report it to the relevant person named below. Our school has a Designated Safeguarding Lead and a team of five senior leaders who are trained to deputise. You can find details of our safeguarding and child protection team here. These details are also displayed in reception, identifying the member of staff on duty for each particular day.
- If you believe a young person is at immediate risk of harm, please call 999.
- If you have any concerns about a child at The Highcrest Academy, please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Miss C To at
- If you have a concern about a member of staff working with children (in either a paid or voluntary capacity) please contact the Principal at
- If your concern is regarding the Principal, please contact our Chair of Governors at
External agency contacts:
- You can also contact the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) for Buckinghamshire Council at 01296 382070or
- Education Safeguarding Advisory Service: (01296) 387981 or
- Referrals to Social Care First Response Team: (01296) 383962 between 9am-5pm Monday to Friday> Out of Hours: (Emergency Duty Team) 0800 999 767
What should I do if a child discloses that he/she is being harmed?
Please report immediately to our designated safeguarding lead or any member of our safeguarding and child protection team, as outlined above.
Although the likelihood of this is small, it is important to know what to do in such an eventuality. Listen to the child, without making judgements. Take what they tell you seriously, children rarely lie about such matters. Explain that you can’t keep the information secret and must pass it on to someone who will know what to do. Don’t interrogate the child or ask leading questions, such as “what did he do next”. Reassure the child that they have done the right thing by telling someone. Don’t make promises that you can’t keep but tell the child what you are going to do.
You will be asked to make a written record of what you have seen or heard. This is an important part of your safeguarding responsibilities. You will be asked to summarise your concerns in writing including the student’s name if known, or give a brief description of the student. If the student has told you they are being harmed, write down as accurately as possible what was said.
How do I assure that my behaviour is always appropriate?
Appropriate relationships with children should be based on mutual trust and respect. Whilst at the academy you may well be working closely with children, sometimes on a one-to-one basis. Children, especially when they are young, are often spontaneously affectionate and tactile; it is important not to alienate them through lack of response or by appearing to reject this. You should, however, be careful about physical contact with children – the Code of Conduct will give guidance to how we manage this at The Highcrest Academy and the expectations of adults in their contact with students. As a visitor to the school, we would ask you not to initiate any contact with students. If you are working with a pupil on his/her own, always ensure that the door is left open and that you are visible to others. Never make arrangements to meet a pupil on their own without school and parental permission, either in the real world or online.
- photograph pupils
- exchange emails or text messages with pupils
- breach confidentiality by communicating via social media
- give out your own personal details
- accept /allow pupils to have contact with you via social media
- use recording devices without consent
At THA, we believe all our pupils have a right to grow up safe from harm.