The Highcrest Academy

Sixth Form applications 

Sixth Form Enrolment Letter - Highcrest Students

Sixth Form Enrolment Letter - External Students

To apply to our Sixth Form please click here 

At Highcrest we are very proud of our Sixth Form; every year we grow in numbers with many of our courses oversubscribed and new courses being brought in every year.  We welcome students both internally from Year 11 as well as students from local schools all around Buckinghamshire.  Our outstanding curriculum offer, facilities and progress score (we have been in the top 10 in Bucks for the past 6 years in a row) make Highcrest the place to be for Sixth Form.

We hope that our site answers the questions you may have but if you have any other questions or are interested in a tour, please do not hesitate to get in contact with me, either by phone (01494 529866) or email ( 

Sixth Form Entrance Criteria - click here

Sixth Form Contractclick here

We understand that joining the Sixth Form can be very different to what you may have experienced in Year 11.  All students are asked to sign the Sixth Form Contract as part of the enrolment process as a sign of their commitment to their studies.

Sixth Form Admissions

  • Entry into the Sixth Form is open to all existing members of the School who meet the entry requirements as outlined below.
  • Admission into the Sixth Form is open to students gaining qualifications in line with the entrance criteria, which can be found HERE
  • Each course has its own entry criteria; therefore, in order to gain admission all applicants, whether internal or external, will be required to meet the specific entry grade requirements for their chosen course as outlined in the prospectus and in the link above.

Oversubscription criteria: If there are more external applicants with predicted grades meeting the entry requirements than places available, then the following over subscription criteria will be used to determine who will be made offers:

  • Looked after children. (1)
  • Highest placed applicants according to their position in the Order of Merit based on aggregated scores of their top 5 GCSE Predicted Grades (including English and Maths).
  • The availability of places in specific sets.

(1) Looked after children are defined as children who are in the care of a Local Authority or provided with accommodation by the Authority.

Applications from disabled students unable to comply with the above will be considered by the Admissions Panel provided that evidence of the level of disability is supplied. The School is committed to not treating disabled applicants less favourably, without justification, for a reason that relates to their disability.

Admission Guidance:

  • Students applying to The Highcrest Academy Sixth Form should have a strong work ethic, high aspirations and a commitment to achieve.
  • Students must agree to abide by the Highcrest Mission Statement and be prepared to serve the community to uphold and develop this ethos.
  • Highcrest students must agree to comply with all school rules and regulations.

Admission Number:

  • The numbers admitted into the Sixth Form are determined by places available on the various courses and the required combinations of individual students.
  • Of the places available in Year 12, many are taken by our Year 11 students; however the School actively recruits externally.
  • Offers are made with a view to achieving this level, but are finally decided by set sizes and personalised targets.

Admissions Arrangements:

For those joining the Sixth Form in September 2024

The Highcrest Academy offers post-16 opportunities for young people who can benefit from study at this level.

The majority of those in the Sixth Form will transfer from the main school and will need to reapply through a formal process. An application for the appropriate course(s) will be required. We also expect to be able to accommodate some external applicants.


We plan to admit fifteen additional students to Year 12 each year.

The exact number will, however, depend partly on the availability of places on particular courses of study.

Academic Criteria

All entrants to the Sixth Form, both internal and external, will be required to have obtained the relevant academic entry requirements as follows:

  1. All of our subjects have additional entrance criteria, but to study A Level, students must achieve at least 25 points from their five best GCSEs, or for BTEC 20 points from their best five GCSEs.  To access Level 2 courses, students require at least 16 points from best five results and a 3 or above in English and a 2 or above in Maths.
  2. Students who have been studying Level 2 courses in Year 12 must achieve a minimum of a Level 2 Merit in each of their chosen subjects including a minimum of a grade 4 in their GCSE Maths and English re-sits.
  3. All courses' entrance criteria can be found on the Sixth Form section of the website under the “Courses Available” and “Sixth Form Entrance Criteria” tab.

Oversubscription Criteria

For obvious reasons there will be no banding arrangements for Sixth Form entry.

Otherwise, if there are more qualified applicants for Sixth Form places (on a course by course basis) the Year 7 numbered oversubscription criteria will be applied.


The procedure for joining the Sixth Form is as follows:

  • Open Evening – November
  • Subject Survey carried out by all Year 11 students – December
  • Option blocks released and applications open – January
  • Applications close – End of Spring Term
  • Pre-Enrolment Interviews – March to May
  • Sixth Form Taster Day – July
  • Final Enrolment Interviews – August

If additional spaces on courses are still available, they will be allocated in this order:

  • Any Highcrest student who has gained the entry grades and has requested to have their application reviewed, will be admitted wherever possible.
  • External applicants who have requested to have their application reviewed will then be admitted based on the Oversubscription criteria outlined above until courses are full.
  • If places remain, applicants with the required entry requirements making direct contact with the academy post-results, will be considered and admitted based on the Admission and Oversubscription criteria outlined above until courses are full.

For all enquiries concerning the Sixth Form, please contact Mrs Bingham:

